
Friday, October 26, 2012

Brain Fart of Note...

Everyone gets them. True Story. That moment where everything makes perfect sense and you wonder how you didn't put the pieces together sooner. Johnny Nash sang about it back in 1973.. The Brain Fart.

So, I've been hearing this awesome song playing on 5fm the past few weeks,
It's called When I Was 17, by Cape Town rockers McCree.
There was just something about the voice that brought back memories. It reminded me of one of my favourite local bands and albums: Kelvin Declined - Kelvin Declined.
I remember watching them perform at Mercury with Sugardrive (many moons ago) and I was hooked. I must have played that album over and over. 42, Stan 229 and Yellow are still on my playlist.

Maybe I've been hiding under a rock, or something, but some minor investigation (Read: Google Search) revealed what I've been suspecting to be true... Mark McCree was the front man for Kelvin Declined.
Duh! No wonder the sound was the same. Idjit.. Needless to say, I know which album I'll be buying tomorrow! Of Hopes and Dreams is out now.

Here's the song I'm talking about. It's awesome. Leave a comment and let me know what you think!


  1. Not bad! Very catchy tune :) I've been so impressed with the standard of the SA music scene lately, they're no exception!
    Thanks for sharing :)

    1. I've been listening to the album this weekend.
      Really enjoying it. It's an easy listen.
