
Friday, January 18, 2013

Help! 1 Very Important Reason To Donate a Like

Your assistance is urgently required!
As you know, I am currently studying Internet Marketing through Get Smarter.
Module 7 sees us tackles Social Media and Viral Marketing.
To help the students understand the basis of viral marketing, our course convener has tasked us with getting as many 'Likes' on a Facebook post by the time our assignment is due. (Monday 22h00)

The reward for the person with the most likes is 6 bottles of Champagne (rather interested to see which brand..)
Now, by classmates have had since Monday to gather likes. I started today. You may call it procrastination, I call it testing viral marketing principles by giving the shortest space of time...

This means, I need YOU to click on the below link and like my post!
You do not need to be a Facebook friend to like the post.

Now for the 1 reason.
Doing this good deed will undoubtedly give you a sense of well being. You will sleep better at night knowing that you have helped out a friend in need. A friend in need of alcohol.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Holding Onto Strings Better Left to Fray

Not only is this the title of Seether's latest (awesome, imo) offering, but also a lesson for us for the new year.
I'm not one who abides by New Year's Resolutions, but I think we all secretly hope that the the start of a new year will be a catalyst for change. Go to the gym, stop smoking, eat healthier, you know the sort.
I am planning on going to the gym, but I did that yesterday, so that's hardly a resolution.

For me, 2012 was filled with ups and downs. This is nothing special, I'm sure we've all had a year like that. It's life. I am thankful for all the new people in my life, you know who you are. Likewise, I am saddened by the loss of others.

So for 2013, I am simply going to stop holding onto strings better left to fray. Holding onto a glimmer of the past that you know will not change, no matter what you do. You could say that I'm building a bridge and I have every intention of getting over it.

So, here is to lucky number 13. I hope that you get everything that you deserve out of 2013..and I hope I win the lottery.

And now I will watch Dinner for One (again), because let's face's the same procedure as last year, Ms Sophie.

It is always the bunny's fault. Why would Nesquik lie?