
Monday, November 5, 2012

Getting Smarter with Get Smarter.

After 8 (plus) weeks of studying, and it's been a while since I last studied, I have finally completed my Certificate in Social Media Marketing through UCT and Get Smarter. It's been quite a learning curve as I do not hail from a marketing background, but I have enjoyed every second of it. Learning the nuances of using the likes of Facebook, Twitter and Blogging (to name a few) to it's full marketing capabilities has been a real eye opener.

I will definitely use the skills that I have learned on this course in the future and am looking forward to testing them out! I've made quite a few new contacts through this course and am looking forward to watching their development.
I enjoyed the course so much, I decided to sign up for the Certificate in Internet Marketing course as well.
And that starts today, so here's to 10 weeks of learning new and exciting things!

You're never to old to learn, so go and check out the courses that are available at Get Smarter. The courses are affiliated with UCT (unless stated otherwise) and the level of support that you get from the course conveners and coordinators is fantastic. I'm pretty sure this won't be my last course...


  1. Thanks for the review on our couse, Nick! Congratulations on completing the UCT Social Media course; we can already see you putting your newfound knowledge to good use. We look forward to having you with us on the UCT Internet Marketing course as well! Good luck!

    The GetSmarter Team
